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September 95

Recorded its firts demo-tape entitled "My Soul's Grief".
March 96
Wins modern music contest of Palmela.
May 96
Wins the Rock band contest of Lusófona University - Lisbon.
September 96
Participation in High Radiation Vol.2, a compilation of Portuguese metal bands from Independent Records-Portugal, with the track, ”Sombras do desconhecido”.
November 96
Recorded its second demo-tape entitle “Silent Commotions of the Soul in A minor”.
October 97
Wins Além-Rock ´97 contest of Beja.
February 98
Recruits a female voice in an attempt to achieve the “something extra” that everyone thought was missing. The final result was incredibly positive, and even darker days emerge to sow pain and sorrow to the cold soul of E.M.
Reformed line-up:
Male Voice -
 Mário Pereira
Female Voice -
 Rita Gamito
Lead Guitar -
Rhythm Guitar -
 José Meninas
Bass Guitar -
 Marco Faria
Keyboards -
 Flávio Pereira
 Nuno Costa
May 98  
The Band finally inaugurate the official Eternal Mourning web site.
October 98
Gets the second place on Além-Rock ´98 contest of Beja.
January 99
Independent Records released a CD of the Além Rock ’98 contest of Beja. Eternal Mourning participated on this CD with the track, recorded live, Final Lament part II – Supremum Male Dicere.
October 99
The Band entered Exilium studios (Portugal) to record its first official release. A CD answering by the name of ”Delusion & Dementia” was the final result. Finally the Band achieved a product that they consider consistent and honest; which could represent the soul and sound of Eternal Mourning.
September 00
Eternal Mourning had the opportunity to play at the chapel of Sines. It was a unique moment, only chare by a very restrict audience. Something to remember...
February 01
After some irregular months, Eternal Mourning has found a Spanish Label by the name of Goimusic. The Band has sign an agreement for 4 years, releasing during this period 3 albums. From now on the world will be even darker and the minds of scepticism will be fulfil by the words and sounds of the cruel reason. Be aware cause mourning is here to stay.
September 2001
Official release of Delusion & Dementia CD.
December 2001
Eternal Mourning recruits Miguel Santos-keyboard player.
August 2002
Show at Revoltallo Festival in the city of Vigo-Spain. It was Eternal Mourning s first musical experience outside the Portuguese border.
September 2002
Again, Eternal Mourning chose Exilium studios (Portugal) to record the successor of Delusion&Dementia. A CD answering by the name of The Resident Sadness  was recorded.
November 2002
Eternal Mourning recruits Marta Lourenço-viola/violin player
April 2003
Show at Barroselas Metal Fest VI-Steel Warriors Rebellion-with Katatonia and Finntroll.
May 2003
"The resident Sadness" CD was mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studios.
August 2003
Another show at Revoltallo Festival in the city of Vigo-Spain.
November 2003
Official release of "The Resident Sadness" album.
©Eternal Mourning 2004